
Posts Tagged ‘leaders and enders’

These are my new Quilting Dogs — Katy, Maya and Ivan Greyhound.  They are retired racing dogs that we adopted from a rescue charity, and they are the sweetest, most affectionate and loving dogs that we have ever lived with.  Ivan arrived first, then Katy a few months later, and Maya came to live with us one year after that.

Three babies

Katy, Maya and Ivan Greyhound

Nigel, my original Quilting Dog, passed away in November 2012, at the great age of 16.  I have read that dogs cannot see colours, but Nigel could recognise purple, and it was his favourite colour.  He would often take little pieces of purple fabric and hide them all around the house.  Every so often, I would find one in his bed or in the living room and wonder where on earth it had come from.  He had secret stashes.  😉



Nigel with his own little purple quilt

My life changed about two years ago, and I haven’t been sewing.  I’ve only made two things in all that time — a birthday quilt for my sweet friend,


and a wedding gift quilt for my niece to give to her maid of honour at her wedding last summer.  This is just the top — I forgot to take photos when it was quilted.

hannah quilt


It’s nice to be sewing again.  I’m working on this simple “leaders and enders” project, a là Bonnie K. Hunter, that I started a very long time ago.  When this is done, I will start again on my mountain of unfinished projects — one quilt at a time.

Katy and Maya quilt


Ivan quilt


So far, my new quilting dogs don’t seem too interested in quilt construction, but they do like to be covered up with quilts, and I think they are really good at posing for photos!   😉

Happy Quilting!

Dianne  xx

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